Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Results are in

Down another 2.8 pounds making it a total of 7!

I'm definitely getting the hang of this points plus program. Guess what big thing I'm going to tackle this week? Converting my sedentary lifestyle into an active one! I need to EXERCISE! I'd really like to start swimming again, but since I'd rather not give up the whole 2-3 hours I get with my kids daily [after work], I think I'm going to stick to taking them for walks around the block, the elliptical in my basement, and the Wii fit for now. Maybe when I plateau, I can sign up for a gym membership.

We tried the rosemary chicken recipe from weight watchers. It was NOT a hit in this household. Ryan actually gagged it down and then said, "don't make that again and I will not be taking these leftovers to work." It wasn't bad, per se, but the recipe called for orange marmalade. I was very hesitant to put it in seeing as how I don't even like the crap when it's not being covered by strong herbs and spices. Well, the orange gunk didn't let me down. It was GROSS. I had all these leftovers and I'm not about to let an $8.69 [not joking] cup of flipping wild rice go to waste so I'll be choking it down the next few days. It was much better with some Dijon mustard on it yesterday. It really took that sweet orangy taste away. I definitely recommend it if you like marmalade though.

Yesterday, I basically starved myself so I could go to qdoba [after weigh in] with my friend, Kelly. I wanted to be able to have a burrito [without cheese] without having to sacrifice too much. Although I stayed in my points, I felt GUILTY. GUILTY-and I stayed in my points. I'm not saying I won't do it again, but I felt badly for eating all those carbs. What the hell is wrong with me?! Q is my favorite!

Until next time...


  1. WOW!!!! Congratulations! I am so proud of you! I hope you can instill your discipline in me when this little girl is born because I want to drop fast and tone up...and keep it that way! If you ever need a walking buddy, let me know! I'd love to join you (and that's about all I can do! Haha!)Congrats again! Very proud of you!

  2. WootWoot!! 7 lbs is freakin AWESOME!! I'm so excited to hear about your adventures every week :) And I'll take your advice on the Orange grossness.
